Sunday, November 23, 2008

Trying to focus on the positive and not the negative.

Like James 4:8 says. Draw Near to God and he will draw near to you.
I feel I have been drawing closer lately. While I am going through some challenges, there are some very nice things happening.
Part of a exciting Church called Soul Rio. I have been going there since 2002. We moved back to the facility which we occupied a few years ago. Facility looks great. Very today but there is a whole new energy from everyone. I feel God is going to lead the Church into some great new adventures and a unique new way serving him. It's great to be part of a great Church especially when you are single and you feel you are all alone.
I am also part of a exciting Futsal League, Albuquerque Super F League. Premier Futsal League in New Mexico. See my sister Blog at Great league with 16 very exciting Futsal Teams. I work with some great guys who really know the game of Futsal and Soccer. It is a great blessing to work with the staff, teams, coaches, fans and family. It is going to be a great fun season with more fun to come. I love the game of Futsal and Albuquerque Super F League.
I need to focus on the positive and not the negative parts of my life. I need to also draw closer to God and make better choices in my life.

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