Saturday, February 19, 2005

Learned a Good Lesson Last Night

Last night during Bible Study, we studied on self confidence. There were several verses including Joshua 1:9 how we should be courageous and strong.

We should put our faith and God. Through God, he will see us through anything. I have been lacking in self confidence lately. I have not met up to my expectations. It was a good lesson last night, I really needed the scriptures, encouragement and rebuild my self confidence last night.

I feel so much better now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Today is my big sad anniversary

February 16, 1976 I was on my way going to school. It was a very foggy morning in a small community in Southern Part of Central Florida. I normally sit in the front part of the school bus but I decided to sit almost all the way back. Second seat from the back to be exact. As our school bus crossed the intersection, our bus was slammed by a semi truck. It slammed at the front end, the engine was upside down and most of the bus's body was off the frame work. I do not remember much. I remember laughing, seeing the bank sign stating 7:38am and 48 degrees. Next thing I knew, someone told me to jump out the back of the smashed school bus. I did jump and was told to lay down between the highway which I did. I was totally dazed. The next thing I saw was a girl laying under neath the school bus. She did survive. 4 kids, killed, bus driver killed and 11 critically injured. Just about everyone was seriously injured. I was the lucky one. The least injured. If I would have sat were I normally would have, I would not be here today typing this blog today. I later remember seeing a friend of mine who I almost sat with, was very badly injured. Kids were crying, teachers were helping with the rescue efforts. The accident happened 200 feet from the Jr. High/High School. I lost one of my best friends from the accident. I was 12 years old and he was 6 years old. 55 kids were on the school bus, 5 dead, 11 very close to death but survived and the rest seriously injured. Several counties were part of the rescue efforts. We were bused (by school bus) to a hospital in Avon Park which was 25 miles north. They had to use the school bus because there were so many injured. We were escorted by the Florida Highway Patrol. 3 hospitals were used. The original word to my parents were, I was missing. I was released from the hospital that day and went home. I was one of the very few that was released that week. I remember that night, we made top story on the CBS Evening News and Top story on the local station out of Tampa as well. My family was in shock to see I survived such a very serious accident. Right front of the bus was burned, engine of the school bus was upside down, the right side was smashed and the other side of the bus popped out from the frame work.The community really pulled together. It was a period I would never forget. There was a bully who picked on me all the time. My first day back to school, he came up to me and said he was so glad that I am ok. He said that several times. We became friends.
I was so blessed. I survived a very serious accident, family and friends pulled behind me and the most important thing of all, God sure was looking out for me. Even though many students were seriously injured, God was looking out for them as well.
I grew up in one special community.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

My Super Bowl Pick

Well, tomorrow is the Super Bowl. I pick New England over Philadelphia 24-21. New England has more Super Bowl Experience. Both have good quarterbacks, good defense.
I hope it is a good Super Bowl and no blow out.