I watched the debate the other night between President Bush and Kerry. Bush looked much stronger and more forcefully in this debate. I missed the first debate but saw the highlights. I like the town hall set up when the average voter ask the question. I would love to see more debates with that set up. There is only one more debate but it is not a town hall set up.
I look forward to that debate. I have already made my choice but I feel it is very important to view all debates. Our Country's future is at stake. I am voting for Bush. He does not flip flop, Kerry's record does not support his campaign. I do feel we need to reach out more to our allies and not shut them out. We need a strong alliance. We need to fight the war on terrorism. We need lower taxes to have money in our pocket so we can spend on necessities. There are many other reasons. I do respect the other party.
I urge everyone to vote for their candidate.